Zig Ziglar (1926-2012) was an American author, salesman, and motivational speaker whose inspirational quotes are still popular and relevant. He inspired and still is millions throughout the world through his 33 books including the bestseller See You at the Top . This particular book has been bought almost 2 million times.
Ziglar is famous because he changed the perception of salespeople. From high-pressure sales tactics to a selfless, empathetic approach.
He went on to become one of the greatest motivational speakers of his time. Zig Ziglar’s quotes are still popular with many motivational speakers, and I am sure you have heard at least one of his famous quotes.
In this post, I will be sharing some of the best quotes by Zig Ziglar. These 7 quotes are some of the most impactful Ziglar quotes not only for us mothers but for the entire family. These are wonderful inspirational quotes that will change your life for the better. I know they have helped me develop positive thinking habits. Now, I’m a more positive outlook kind of mom. And you could be too.

7 Inspirational quotes by Zig Ziglar that will change your life for better
1. “You can have everything in life that you want if you just give enough other people what they want.” – Zig Ziglar
This short inspirational quote reveals one of the best-kept secrets of success. Most of the successful people in the world did not set out to be great. They started out solving a problem they identified and in the process became great. The best way to start receiving is to start giving. I know this sounds counterintuitive but it is true.
Motherhood already sets us on the right path. We give, give, and give our babies some more. For a truly fulfilling life, we should find ways to extend our generosity and compassion to other people. And the universe will conspire to grant all our wishes. Some of the best relationships I’ve had began with me offering something for free. In return, I got more than I could have ever wished for.
If you want to have great friends go out and be a great friend first. To build a successful business you’ve got to be willing to help someone else build their business first, in the process you will learn what you need to have your own successful business. To be a successful entrepreneur you have to solve someone else’s problem first.

So many people want to be successful but they do not want to help anyone else. Instead of obsessing over how much you will earn, ask what impact you are going to have on someone else’s life. Start by identifying a problem that you can solve with your skills, then offer your services selflessly. Give, give, give!
Related: 12 Amazing Inspirational Quotes For Mothers To Get You Through The Tough Days
Quote Of The Day For Work
2. “Do more than you are being paid to do, and you’ll eventually be paid more for what you do.” – Zig Ziglar
This is still very much in line with the previous quote, do you find yourself complaining about how much you are paid for your services? Are you giving your best, or are you giving mediocre services because you do not want to give more than you are being paid for? The quality of service you offer speaks more about you than it does about your compensation.
Having a positive outlook goes beyond the money you are being paid. Are you genuinely looking to help? Do you have the other person’s best interests at heart? What is your attitude?

I have noticed from my experiences that the people who go out of their way to do more than is expected of them tend to get rewarded more often than those who do just enough for their rank. Whether it is in terms of getting promotions or being headhunted for better opportunities, the universe does notice and they get rewarded for it. Stop saying that the task is beyond your pay grade if you can do it, just do it. Before long someone is going to notice that you are underpaid and they might even pay you more than your work’s worth because a good foundation was laid.
More Quotes to Reflect On
3. “What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.” – Zig Ziglar

This quote reminds us that the experiences we gain as we pursue our goals are more important than any rewards that can come as a result of achieving goals. Growth will happen as a result of pursuing your goals and this growth gives more fulfillment than any other physical reward could offer. Do not just focus on the physical rewards from an experience, the transformation that is happening in your life could be more than enough reward.
Embrace and celebrate the person you have become as a result of your achievements. Celebrate the journey as much as you celebrate getting to the destination.
4. “Remember that failure is an event, not a person.” – Zig Ziglar
Are you so afraid of failure that you don’t even try? Failure is something that many of us struggle with. It is important to realize that failing does not make one a failure, it is part of the journey to success. Don’t fail to try again because you failed before in the past, that was just an event, you are not a failure.
Look at every successful person in history. They failed far more times than they ever won. But the wins made each failure worth it.

It does not matter how many times you fail, as long as you rise again you are right on your way to success. After all, Thomas Edison made 1000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb before he finally succeeded. Next time you fail in something, remember to rise up, dust yourself, learn from the experience and keep moving forward.
The Best Quotes from Zig Ziglar to Inspire You Towards Your Goals
5. “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” – Zig Ziglar

Many of us are waiting for the conditions to be convenient before we can start working on our goals. Guess what, the conditions may never be perfect, you have to start as they are. Don’t wait to figure it all out and see every step of the way, just start and it will become clearer as you go. Do not get stuck hoping and waiting, just start. It will be okay at the end of it all.

6. “A goal properly set is halfway reached.” – Zig Ziglar

Do you set your goals for the year, month, week and day? It is no secret that setting goals is necessary for success. Set both long-term and short-term goals. No matter how much you want something, if you don’t set yourself a goal for it you won’t get it. Set your goals properly and you will have done half the task.
To make goal setting more interesting, we can include our kids in the process and have them as our accountability partners. They will help push us even on the days we don’t feel like showing up. Imagine the nagging you’ll get until the task is accomplished so that the little guy or princess can mark it as done on the checklist
Related article: How-to-set-and-accomplish-your-goals
Short Positive Attitude Quotes
7. “Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.” – Zig Ziglar

This quote is one of the most popular quotes by Ziglar and rightly so, attitude is everything. Our attitudes determine how high we can rise to achieve our dreams. As moms, having a positive attitude will also rub off on our kids. Remember that this parenting thing is a monkey see monkey do kinda relationship.
A negative attitude sets one up for failure while a positive attitude is crucial to one’s success. To steer your life in the right direction, choose to keep a positive attitude. It is your best weapon for life’s obstacles.
If you liked this post, feel free to share it with your friends using the share buttons on the post. Which is your favorite quote? I’d love to know. Leave a comment below.
I really like Zig Ziglar. “A goal properly set is halfway reached.” What a great quote. Thank you for sharing this!
You are welcome, Eric.
You are welcome Eric. I really like Zig Ziglar too- I am sure you can tell that already 🙂
Loved this post.
Every word resonates with me.
Just today I finished processing some photos for a client and thought “They should be really happy with these”
Its a nice feeling to over deliver
It is a really good thing to overdeliver although many people don’t. I am glad this resonated with you.
Thanks for reading and leaving me a comment.
Wow. What great timing, I was just looking for some motivational material and was between a few different books to read one being his… This was exactly what I needed to see tonight and I think it’s a sign that I need to read his book. Thanks for sharing on here, really enjoyed your thoughts on his quotes. What keeps you going most when you’re running out of steam?
Hey Nick, I am so glad you found this just at the right time.Go ahead and read the book.
There are a number of things that keep me going with the main one being my family. However, when I am really low I force myself to count my blessings and ask myself why I do what I do. Usually, this helps me to be rejuvenated and get back on my feet.
I love Zig! I was a door-to-door salesman for five years. By far, the hardest job I ever had. I was only because of my collection of Ziglar books that I was able to do it successfully for so long. Number 2 is the key to this entire affiliate marketing business. You must have a passion for helping people be successful and help them achieve tht success first before you will become successful yourself. It won’t work any other way. Thanks for the great article.
I totally agree with you William, I am learning that about affiliate marketing and it is an interesting growth journey.
Really appreciate you taking time to read and leave a comment.
Hi Debbie!
Great post and right timing for me! I was looking for positive anchors and saw one of Zig’s quotes, “Remember that failure is an event, not a person,” which led me to more amazing quotes! You explained all of them very well and helped me understand them better. I appreciate your post!
Thank you!
I love quotes as well and I am so glad that it was so timely for you.
You just help me with ordering some ideas in my head, thank you very much, Zig Ziglar quotes are worth to live by
I am so glad this was of help to you Andre. Thank you for stopping by to read and leaving me a comment.
The quotes from zig ziglar are great. It really inspire me and I feel motivated after reading this quotes. I will share your post because it truly meaningful. Keep it up. Cheers!
Thank you so much, Jaden for your kind words. I am glad that these were helpful to you and thanks for sharing.
I love these inspirational quotes. After all, life is about serving others first and success will follow. I especially like #3 – “What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.” I’ve been working on short and long term goals and this helps guide and solidify my path. Thank you for this uplifting site!
I really appreciate you taking time to leave me a comment, Christy. I am glad you found this helpful.
Very well written post. Beautiful topic. The design of your post is remarkable. I enjoyed this post the main reason why is because the link you put that navigated to another one of your articles. I read about links today, and completely thought it to be unnecessary , but after I saw this nice piece I am going to look into the links more. Thank You !
Thank you, Raymond. Links really help to make navigation easier for your users. I am sure you will find a way to include them in your site.
Hi Debbie, I found reading this post most helpful. I have read Zig Ziglars books but found having these quotes altogether helpful. I shared them with the other platforms am busy on. It is so easy to be hard on yourself and its so useful to read something inspirational to keep you going.
I am glad this was helpful to you, Jill. Thanks for sharing and taking time to leave me a comment.
Love it! “Failure is an event; not a person”… right on!
I absolutely love this one. My other favorite quote is one by Winston Churchill: “Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” It’s in my other quotes list on failure.
am so glad i read this feeling more rejuvenated to especially over-deliver and the power of planning and goal setting……keep posting more our sister……good job.
Thank you so much for your kind words Peter, I’m glad you found this helpful.
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