Self-care for mothers is necessary. As mothers, we are always busy serving everyone else and hardly finding time for ourselves. Are you feeling overwhelmed mama? We all do sometimes. Motherhood is precious but it should also be your greatest motivator to take care of yourself. That’s why I wanted to share these amazing self-care ideas with you.
When I take a couple of hours in a day to do some self-care activities, I end up functioning better. I can take care of my family more effectively when I am refreshed. Even just an hour of quiet time with a book while daddy takes care of the babies does wonders. Over time it has become easier for my husband to willingly take charge of the home for some time while I get in some time for myself because he has seen how beneficial it is for us all.
So if you are worried that you would be dropping the ball by doing self-care, you shouldn’t. Do not feel guilty for taking a couple of hours or even a day (s) ? to yourself because it is worth it. Heard the famous saying that you cannot pour from an empty cup? Fill your cup mama.
And if you need some self care ideas to lift your spirits and just help you get relaxed during your me-time, here are some good ones.
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50 Best Self Care Activity Ideas For Moms
- Take a long bath and then have some chocolate and cookies
- Lock yourself in a room with a good book, have some chips, or your favorite snacks at hand with a glass of your favorite juice.
- Exercise – go for a run or take a walk. Be sure to wear your pregnancy belt for support if you are pregnant. Here are some tips to stay healthy and fit during pregnancy.
- Have some quiet time on the yoga mat meditating.
- Have a little at-home spa day
- Write and record music
- Visit a natural history museum
- Get a pedicure, manicure, or a facial. By the way, why not do all of these.
- Spend some time crafting. Here are some supplies to get you started
- Go for a hike in nature
- Reading with a hot cup of coffee or chocolate.
- Take a walk along the beach listening to a motivational podcast.
- Play video games.
- Journaling. This is the one I use and love.
- Listen to an audiobook on Audible
- Get a good deep tissue massage with aromatherapy – so rejuvenating!
- Do some rock painting. These pens are amazing for that.
- Writing – blog posts, short stories, or just random thoughts that come to you. Writing is very therapeutic.
- Take a polo lesson
- Do some gardening
- Enjoy some knitting, try out a fun new pattern from here.
- Take a nice hot shower
- Hang out with some girlfriends over drinks
- Do crossword puzzles or fill out a sudoku
- Go to the library and enjoy reading a book quietly.
- Coloring isn’t just for kids. Adult coloring books you will love: one| two| three
- Relax on the couch and watch an enjoyable movie.
- Read some poetry out loud. I love this one so much I just bought an extra copy for a friend.
- Attend a church service or watch a sermon online – it’s always a good day for some spiritual nourishment
- Listen to a motivational podcast, speech or video
- Watch a Ted talk. This one from one of my favorite speakers may be a good start. Her book, The Gifts of Imperfection has been such a gift to me and I can’t stop recommending her.
- Put on some fun music and dance along
- Create a list of all the things that are worrying you and visualize possible solutions to them for a few minutes. Take deep calming breaths and imagine the best possible outcomes.
- Look at yourself in the mirror and practice some positive affirmations. You can download my favorite affirmations for moms here.
- Have a date with yourself in a coffee shop and enjoy people watching.
- Ask for help with something you have been struggling with.
- Go to the salon and get your hair done
- Try out some new recipes.
- Cook your favorite meal.
- Dress up and wear makeup that makes you feel great. Alternatively, dress down and wear as little as you like and appreciate your postpartum body for the amazing work it’s done birthing your babies.
- Get some ice cream and enjoy it guilt-free.
- Spend time with a friend you haven’t seen in a while. Just make sure it is someone you actually enjoy being around. No negative energy here.
- Reorganize your space. Declutter a room. You don’t have to Marie Kondo everything- that’s overwhelming for me. Better declutter at the speed of life.
- Watch funny Youtube videos
- Start a gratitude journal and list everything you are grateful for.
- Read an uplifting book like these:
- Strong Women Rising: How to Step into Your Power, Boost Your Confidence, and Improve Your Life
- You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life
- Do a brain dump. You basically dump all the things on your mind onto paper. Don’t try to organize it, just write. It will help you spill out all your stressors and overwhelming thoughts so that you are free to relax knowing it’s all dumped somewhere. You can use your brain dump to plan your week later,
- Have a healthy, delicious meal out at a restaurant.
- Get some sleep. A nice, long nap may be just what your body needs.
- Write down your favorite quotes: Here are some motherhood quotes that I love.
I hope you enjoyed this list of self-care ideas for mothers.
How do you make some time for yourself as a mother?
Let me know your favorite self-care activities in the comments.
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