Updated: September 14, 2021
What to pack in a hospital bag for labor and delivery
After 9 months of pregnancy, what to pack in a maternity hospital bag for labor and delivery should not be stressing you up. It is probably, why you are looking for a printable hospital bag checklist for labor and delivery and you, my friend, are in the right place.
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Our printable hospital bag checklist for labor is quite comprehensive and will cover all hospital bag must-haves for you as the mom, the newborn baby, as well as the dad, or your support person. It’s more like the pregnant mama’s go-to packing guide.
But before we look at the comprehensive hospital bag checklist for labor and delivery. Here is what I personally packed when I was preparing for the birth of my second child.
Hospital bag for delivery checklist for Mom:
- Birth plan
- Hospital paperwork
- Hair ties
- Lip Balm
- Nursing bra:
- Nursing pads
- Toiletries
- Slip-on shoes
- A comfortable robe
- Nipple cream
- Nursing pads
- A going home outfit
- Drinks
- Phone and charger
- Makeup kit
- Delivery Gown
Hospital bag for delivery checklist for Baby
- Going home outfit: A simple sleep and play or a 3-piece set like this one is sufficient.
- Swaddling blanket
- Car seat
Hospital bag delivery checklist for dad/ support person
- Snacks
- Convenience kit
- Fully charged phone for pictures
- A change of clothes
- Pillow and blanket
The Practical Hospital Bag Packing Guide – Everything You Need For a Comfortable Labor and Delivery at the Hospital
You can finally stop googling “what should I pack in my hospital bag for labor“, “what to pack in your maternity hospital bag“, “the best hospital bag checklist“, “what to bring to the hospital for mom, dad, baby” or whatever phrase you have been searching for, because I got you, mama.
This checklist will give you exactly what you should pack in your hospital bag for mom, for dad, and for baby. The best part is, it is a very practical printable hospital bag checklist that you can download and use for delivery prep packing!
–>>Get the FREE Hospital Bag checklist For Delivery<<–

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Honestly, you really do not need to pack a huge suitcase of stuff for a few days’ stay at the hospital. You will most likely be there for only 2 to 3 days.
Sometimes I think about it this way: if you were broke and the only thing you were able to pack in your hospital bag was an outfit for your newborn, do you know you would be just fine?
Yeah. You would. Imagine that.
But I know, you want to be a little more than just fine. You want to be comfortable and in my experience, that is possible. After multiple overnight hospital stays during my second pregnancy, I think I got this packing-a-hospital-bag thing down. So let’s get to the details of everything you need in your hospital bag.
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Let’s get your pregnancy hospital bag packed up for comfort but also without all the unnecessary fluff.
But first, allow me to answer the big question – when should you start packing your hospital bag for labor?
When should you start packing your hospital bag for delivery?
In my opinion, you can never be too early in packing your maternity hospital bag. Most people start to think about it at around 28 weeks, which is the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy. Others wait a little longer.
That said, it’s important to have your bag packed by around 36 -37 weeks because the baby will be arriving any time after this.
Between 37 and 40 weeks your pregnancy is considered to be at term (full-term at 39 weeks) and your baby is ready to be born any time from now. In fact, most women go into labor between 38 and 42 weeks.

If you like to prep way in advance, go for it! I personally belong to the last-minute packers. It also does not help that I generally hate packing and unpacking, for anything. So 37 weeks is the best I could do.
Wait until you find out the baby’s gender before shopping for the baby coming home outfit. Alternatively, you can get gender-neutral outfits like these ones I loved here
Ultimately, you should start packing your hospital bag as early as you can. If you find it too stressful trying to put all the essentials together, this hospital bag bundle would be great for you.
Remember: Stop by this page for all my Amazon picks for pregnancy and postpartum
Hospital Bag for Labor and Delivery Checklist for Mom
Here are the things you need to pack in your hospital bag for mommy. You will need some of these before or after delivery but you need to have them during your overnight hospital stay.
The Things You Will Be Glad You Packed In Your Hospital Bag While In Labor
1. Birth plan
Your birth plan will basically have the details on how you want to deliver your baby. Do you want to be medicated, an epidural, skin-to-skin, and so many more details. You can make it as detailed or as brief as you want.
Mama natural has a really nice visual birth plan template that you can use to create your birth plan or create a more comprehensive one using the earth mama’s free birth plan feature
If your birth plan is to go with the flow, that is also fine. (I’m the go-with-the-flow kind of girl)
Some hospitals will go through your birth plan with you in a pre-delivery visit but it is still a good idea to print it out and keep it in your labor and delivery hospital bag so that you have it with you to give to your caregivers at the hospital.
2. Hospital paperwork
You need to carry your ID, Insurance Card, and any other paperwork that you might need at the hospital. I was given a “labor card” during the pre-delivery visit which you show security when you come in for delivery so that they let you in as quickly as possible.
Make sure all your paperwork is top in your hospital bag and in a position where they are easily accessible.
3. Toiletries
Don’t forget to pack your toiletries in your hospital bag. The toiletries provided at the hospital are honestly not good enough.
Just carry your own toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, facial cleanser, bathing soap/body wash, lotion/moisturizer, deodorant. By the way, you can get this convenience kit that’s already done for you. I am all for easier ways of doing things.
4. Hair ties
You would not want to be controlling your hair while dealing with contractions, would you? Pack those hair ties.
5. Lip Balm
Nobody likes cracked lips and trust me, forgetting lip balm is the worst. Ask me how I know.
6. Labor Affirmations
Print out some positive birth affirmations to recite during labor especially if you are doing an unmedicated birth.
The Things To Pack in Your Pregnancy Hospital Bag That Will Be Useful During Your Hospital Stay and After Delivery
7. Nursing bra
A comfortable nursing bra is great not only for support but because it allows you to breastfeed easily. You will definitely need one when going home. I really like this one.
8. Nipple cream
Definitely pack nipple cream because you don’t want to start dealing with sore nipples. This is the one I used and love and I would advise you to start applying it to your nipples even before you experience any pain. Your nipples will thank you for it.
9. Nursing pads
Sometimes your breast milk will come in and do so in plenty. Leaking breast milk is totally normal but you don’t want to stain your clothes so I suggest you have these nursing pads packed in your hospital bag ready.
10. Slippers
You should pack some slippers to wear at the hospital. Can you imagine walking barefoot on the germ-ridden hospital floors? It’s horrible. You can pack flip-flops or sandals that you can also use in the bathroom. Maybe it’s just me but I hate being barefoot in hospital bathrooms.
11. A comfortable Robe
Pack a nice robe ( I got this one and loved it) to wear on top of your hospital gown. The hospital gowns have open backs, in case you haven’t been in one before.
It can get very uncomfortable if someone comes to visit and you are in the hospital gown and can’t really move around without looking ridiculous.
Another good option is to buy your own labor and delivery gown.
12. A labor/delivery gown
The hospital gowns are not bad, but they can be quite ugly and uncomfortable. Buying your own gown can make you feel better and more comfortable. I personally bought this one because I hate the way the gowns given at the hospital had no way to close them nicely at the back.
I decided not to wear mine until after delivery because I did not want to soil it when giving birth. If you want to wear it before and after delivery, I’d suggest you get two of them.
They are really cute and honestly, I lived in mine for the first three months after birth. Several months later and I still wear it to bed sometimes but shh don’t tell anyone.
13. Drinks
Giving birth to a baby is no easy task so you want to stay hydrated. Make sure to pack a water bottle or your favorite drink for hydration.
14. Charger
Get an extra-long charging cord to charge your phone at the hospital. For some reason, the sockets at the hospital seem to always be too far from the bed. I don’t know why.
15. Camera/ Phone
I’m pretty sure you would want to capture the moment you hold your newborn baby for the first time. Make sure to have your camera packed in your maternity hospital bag. You could also use your phone if it takes really good pictures.
You can also book a photographer to come in and do a family photo shoot or take photos of your newborn at the hospital. Check with your hospital on their guidelines on this.
Some of them have a specific time set for this and some restrictions that you have to adhere to.
16. Makeup kit
You don’t have to pack a makeup kit but if you are planning to do a photoshoot while at the hospital and would like to touch up a little, make sure you carry your kit.
Even if you aren’t hiring a photographer, you will feel good when you are taking photos with your newborn and your face is well done.
17. A going home outfit
Pack a loose-fitting dress like this one or a tank top and loose-fitting lounge-pants or joggers are also good choices.
18. Pillows & Bath towels
The hospital provides pillows and towels but they are not luxurious. I don’t care much for these so I did not bother to pack them when I was going to deliver but I have realized that other moms struggle with this.
If you are very particular about your pillows and towels, then be sure to carry some.
Related: 8 Top Maternity Pillows For Every Pregnant Mom
Should I pack a breast pump in my hospital bag?
You probably noticed that I did not include a breast pump in the list of items to pack in your hospital bag for mom.
Most of the time, you won’t need it, latching your baby on your breast that early is the best way to start establishing breastfeeding. Also, if you need a pump while at the hospital, some hospitals do provide one.
However, if you are planning to exclusively pump, it may be a good idea to pack your own breast pump so that you start getting comfortable with it while you have the help of the nurses.
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What To Pack In The Hospital Bag For Baby
Baby will not need much while you are at the hospital as things like diapers, blankets are provided while at the hospital.
For all the items you will need for the baby once you are back home, see the newborn essentials checklist here. It includes a printable version which you can download and use.

Most of what you pack in the hospital bag for baby are things you will need when leaving the hospital rather than during the hospital stay.
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Hospital Bag Checklist For Labor – Baby
19. Going home outfit
A onesie and a simple footed sleep and play like this one or a cute 3-piece outfit is enough. I would advise you to carry two outfits. One should be in newborn size and the other 0-3months because you don’t know what size the baby is going to be.
See my favorite gender-neutral going home outfits here
20. Hat
You will probably have a hat in the going home outfit set but if you don’t, these are pretty cute and will keep the baby warm.
21. Soft blanket
Perfect for swaddling/ covering the baby when going home. These are my favorite swaddle blankets, we still use and love them.
22. Car seat
The car seat should be installed in the car, don’t carry it to the labor/delivery room ?
you can opt for an infant car seat like this one or a convertible one like this one. Make sure the car seat is properly installed as the hospital staff will not help you to install your car seat or put your baby in the car seat to avoid liability. If you are not sure how to install, you can have your car seat inspected at your local police department or by a local CPS technician near you.
Related: My favorite newborn baby items for baby’s first week
Hospital Bag Packing List for Dad
23. Lots of snacks.
Most hospitals provide food for mom but not for dad so pack up lots of snacks. He will need the energy to help you through labor.
24. Convenience kit
Pack his toothbrush, moisturizer, and other grooming items. He is going to be there with you the whole time and you don’t want his mouth stinking because he hasn’t brushed his teeth for 3 days.
25. Change of clothes
At the very least pack an extra shirt and underwear. You can carry a shirt that will allow dad to have some skin to skin time with the newborn.
26. Camera or a fully charged phone for pictures
You want to capture the first moments when the baby arrives. How the baby looks changes very fast within the first 24 hours so get as many pictures as you can. Since mom will obviously be exhausted, pack this in the hospital bag for dad so that he is in charge of the pictures.
27. Pillow and blanket
Dad is going to be sleeping on a pull-out chair which is not so comfortable if he decides to stay the night. Pack a pillow and a blanket from home can make it a little more comfortable for him. Some hospitals might provide these while others may not. Leave them in the car and get them when you need them.
28. Entertainment
Have a book, iPad, laptop, or Bluetooth headphones with some entertainment to keep dad occupied while at the hospital while waiting. Sometimes labor takes a really long time before the baby comes and if you are having an epidural, there is really not much dad can do other than being present. Some entertainment will come in handy in this case.
Free printable hospital bag checklist for mom dad and baby + printable:
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Things you don’t need to carry because the hospital will provide
It is always a good idea to ask what is provided by the hospital during your maternity tour. It will help you avoid carrying a whole lot of unnecessary stuff. Once you know what they provide, you do not need to pack those items.
Here is a list of items that are commonly provided by hospitals:
- Diapers
- Baby wipes
- Giant mesh underwear
- Maxi pads for post-partum bleeding
Printable Hospital Bag Checklist for Labor and Delivery
Now that your maternity hospital bag checklist for delivery and labor is fully packed, it is time to wait for the baby to arrive at any time. I hope this printable hospital bag checklist for labor and delivery was helpful and can make packing easier for you.
What item do you feel you cannot do without? Did I miss something in the hospital bag checklist? Let me know in the comments.

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I am due in 10 days and this list is great! Kind of you list the stuff that they provide at the hospital. Very helpful. Thank you!!
I am glad this was helpful to you Jay. All the best as you meet your little one soon.
Thank you so much for this article, Debbie! Three of my cousins and two of my best friends are becoming first time mothers, and this is just the information that they need. Packing for the hospital stay can be stressful, so having a “how to” article like this will definitely help to relieve that stress, so mommy can feel prepared for what is about to happen. I really appreciate how thorough you were in explaining what all would be needed, and I am definitely going to share this article with my friends and family. God bless you!
I’m glad that you found this maternity hospital bag checklist for delivery useful. I’m sure your friends and family will appreciate it.
Hey Debbie! As the mom of a 5month old going over your list everything you list is spot on! One thing I had that isn’t on your list is a cover for the car seat. I live in Maine and I was due in December. When we were discharged it was a snow storm, and the hood of the car seat didn’t help much so I was glad I had the cover! The hospital also provided me with a peri bottle and tucks pads. Chewing gum is another nice thing to have in labor, just be sure not to choke or swallow it. I look forward to reading some of your other posts!!!
Amber, you are so right. A car seat cover should definitely be in the list. I was also given a peri bottle at the hospital but I had to buy the Tucks pads for myself. Thank you so much for these recommendations, I will be sure to include them when I update the post.
This is a well thought out list! Especially the hair ties, I’d be a mess without them. Thank you for this, will pass along to my younger friends who will need it.
Hi Jamie, I’m glad you liked the hospital bag checklist for labor and delivery. Thanks for sharing it with your friends.