My Favorite Newborn Baby Items For Baby’s First Week

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When it came to buying newborn baby items, I decided to buy the essentials only before the baby arrived and then get anything else we need when we need it. That way I can avoid buying stuff that we end up not using.

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I was fortunate enough to receive a number of items as baby shower gifts which was a huge blessing. Some newborn items (like this Snuggle Nest) that I had not thought to be necessary ended up being my most used items.

Now that my little girl is out of the newborn phase, I thought I should share our favorite newborn baby items for the first week she was home with us.

Must-Have Newborn Baby Items

Must have new born baby items for baby's first week

Car seat

The car seat is one of those newborn baby items that are not optional. It is required to be able to take the baby home from the hospital.

We opted for this car seat which is part of this awesome travel system. We already had the stroller from our first baby. I had used this coupon site at Gracobaby and got it at an insanely good price.

Graco FastAction Fold Jogger Travel System
  • Includes the Graco SnugRide Lite LX Infant Car Seat, rear-facing for infants from 4-30 lb and up to 32″
  • Graco’s signature FastAction one-second, one-hand fold provides the ultimate in convenience for parents on the go
  • Air-filled rubber tires with suspension for a smooth ride on any terrain
  • Locking front swivel wheel with suspension for improved stability and maneuverability
  • Reflectors for added visibility in low light

Portable Delight Baby Snuggle Nest

I got this as a baby shower gift and it was perhaps my most utilized item in the first week, right next to the nursing pillow.

My baby girl took all her naps in this and I kept it in the living room right next to me during the day. Am I the only one who loves to watch newborns sleep? We are still using the Snuggle Nest, even during waketimes sometimes and we love it.

Bedside Sleeper

A bedside sleeper/ portable crib is one of those items perfectly designed for a tired mama. It is the best compromise between cosleeping and having baby in a safe sleeping space and we had it attached to our bed right next to me. It allowed easy access to my baby to breastfeed at night without having to get off my bed. More sleep for both of baby and I, so it’s a win.

If you are anything like me, I would totally recommend this crib. It has been a lifesaver for me. I got these fitted sheets for it to fit perfectly.

Boppy Nursing pillow

This pillow came through for me when I was trying to establish a good latch in the first week. I had bruised nipples, so nursing was not fun for me for the first 2 weeks but having this pillow that supported my baby and positioned her properly saved me a few tears.

My hubby also used it (and still does) to hold her all the time. As she has grown a little bigger I hardly use it for breastfeeding anymore because it is bulky. I plan to use it for her back support as she learns to sit up in the coming weeks. I’d say it was most useful for nursing in the first 4 weeks.

Diaper Bag

I chose this backpack purely for travel convenience and because hubby likes that design better. And truth be told, he does end up carrying the diaper bag a lot.

What I love about it:

  • it’s big enough for everything we need to carry and more
  • it has insulated pockets for bottles so I know my baby’s milk is going to be maintained at the temperature that I like.
  • It comes with a changing pad and a ton of pockets.

That said, I have been thinking about getting a diaper bag that doubles up as a purse and this has my attention. It just looks so good, ah!

See what is in my diaper bag and What to pack in a diaper bag for your baby

Essential Newborn Baby Items

SwaddleMe Original Swaddles

I am only including these swaddles here because my little girl would only sleep for a stretch in them for the first 2 weeks. If you can never get your head around using a baby blanket to swaddle your baby nice and tight, you should probably try these. Be sure to close the velcro before putting them in the dryer or they will stick to your precious clothes.

Footed Sleep And Play Bodysuits

My newborn lived in bodysuits for the first few weeks because they were so comfy and warm. Since the baby is sleeping all the time in the early weeks, I like to dress them in something that I can quickly change their diapers and get them back to sleep comfortably. These were perfect.

Here are a few of my favorites.

Baby Onesies

Onesies are the other absolute must-have newborn baby items. I got one pack in newborn size and another in 0-3 months size.

I had another set from Carters but I ended up loving these organic cotton ones better. For all other outfits, I prefer Carters to Gerber.

Gerber Unisex-Baby Newborn 4 Pack Onesies Brand, White, 0-3 Months
  • includes 4 onesies
  • cotton rib
  • great for DIY
  • easy to clean

PS: When shopping for newborn items, don’t get too many outfits in newborn size.

I wish I bought more 0-3 months outfits because she outgrew the newborn-sized clothes in 2 weeks.

Burp cloths

You burp your newborn after every feed and sometimes they may spit up quite a lot. Burp clothes come in handy.

My newborn girl had mild reflux and spits up quite a lot so we go through a lot of them. I got these ones and I am happy with them so far.


I used these washcloths to wipe my newborn for the first week before her cord stump fell off. I started bathing her after that and continued to use them for the same. Lately, I have been using these ones and like them more.

I like that they are very effective in cleaning and they also wash easily.

Diapers and Wipes

You may not need to carry diapers and wipes in your delivery bag but you need to stock up some for the first week.

You could say these are those essential baby items that are non-negotiable. A newborn will go through 6 to 10 diapers per day in the first week so you gotta be prepared.

I initially used Pampers that had been gifted to me but I have since grown to love Huggies snugglers better. With Huggies, I feel like they have been able to handle blowouts better because of the waistband at the back and I would totally recommend them.

Pro tip: skip the newborn size and go straight to size 1 since the baby will not use newborn size for very long.


As for the wipes, be sure to get the ones for sensitive skin. I love these ones but if you can carry home the dry wipes they use at the hospital, please do so.

I have also heard wonderful things about water wipes but I have not tried them myself.

Diaper Cream

As a rule of thumb, never change your baby’s diaper without applying some form of diaper cream, jelly or oil.

For everyday use, I apply Vaseline during every single change. If I notice redness or a sign of a rash, I typically apply Desitin. You can also use it to heal an existing rash.

With my firstborn, I also used Olive oil and Coconut oil and they both worked well.

Newborn Baby Items to get you through the first week

best newborn baby items for baby's first week

What were your favorite newborn baby items for your baby’s first week?

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4 thoughts on “My Favorite Newborn Baby Items For Baby’s First Week”

  1. I just love your site. It’s so light and airy and full of information. A friend of mine is having a baby in October and I can’t wait for her to see this site. There are so many different baby items available these days. I love that Mika Micky bedside sleeper. That’s really nice!

    1. You are so kind, Teresa. Thank you. I try to offer as much information as I can to be of help to moms, especially first time moms who are new to this journey. Kind words from my readers like you keep me going. Your friend is lucky to have you.

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